Umueriland Today interview with Barr Aghaebe

UMUERILAND TODAY: Good day Sir, Please can you introduce yourself to our reading public? Barr. Aghaebe : My name is Barr Eugene Ben Aghaebe am from Nneyi quarter's in Umueri, Anambra East local government Area of Anambra State. UMUERILAND TODAY: Thank you Barr. We have heard much about you and your exploit in the legal field, could you please let us know your major interest in the fourth coming UGA election? Barr. Aghaebe : My major interest is to contest for the post of the President General of Umueri General Assembly, the post is given(zoned)to Nneyi people according to the constitution of the town and am one of the contestant. UMUERILAND TODAY: Can you tell us more about the Origin of this all Important Institution(UGA) in Umueri. Barr Aghaebe: The origin of UGA date's back to time immemorial but let start with the mention of people like John Metchie, Bennet Nwabia, Sam Umeadi(lawyer), Basil Iwuoba, Gabriel Anikpe of blessed memory, anyway m...