Men And Sex

WHY MEN LOVE SEX SO MUCH Women find it hard to understand why men love sex so much. They want to help you, they want sex immediately after anything. They say they love you, they want sex. You mistakenly sleep over, they want sex, they want to borrow you some money. They want to give you a job, they want sex. First of all, You need to understand the system of men. Men are naturally created that way. Do you know that 95% of healthy men wake up with an Erection? Do you know that the penis has a mind of his own different from the carrier? A man can be sleeping, once you start rubbing the penis, it stands even when the man is asleep. Have you asked yourself why men are never on any periods Cramps or bad moods. That is how God created Men. A man is naturally always ready for sex. Rub a man on his head, he already thinks you want sex, wink at him, he's already seeing you naked, wave at a man walking with his wife, he will lose focus. That's why churches don't allow ladies with sh...