Once Upon A Time

Several years ago, in the jungle of Nkili, in the heart of Africa, there was Nwa-ozor the monkey who jumped in ecstacy, keeping a 'dignified' silence as he watched the fight between the Tiger and Lion at the valley of Ruwa.

Nwa-ozor felt safe and immuned on the branch of the huge Iroko tree, because neither the Lion nor the Tiger could climb to reach his abode with their fight.

Over time, the fight became bloody.

The Lion eventually killed the Tiger. However, the Lion sustained serious injuries and broke two of his legs

Priest Tortoise, the all-knowing Native Doctor of Nkili Kingdom said he needed the kidneys and  heart of a monkey to prepare the medicine that would heal the wounds and the broken legs of the heir apparent of Nkili Kingdom.

King Lion urgently summoned Leopard to climb the Iroko tree and go fetch Nwa-ozor the monkey, that his kidneys and heart may be extracted for the healing balm of his precious heir.

In a jiffy, Leopard hunted down Nwa-ozor from the tree top, removed his kidneys and heart and conveyed it on a white platter to Tortoise the High Priest

As he was being slaughtered, Nwa-ozor cried out; "If I knew that this fight will eventually consume me, I would have spoken out and mobilised other animals of Nkili Kingdom to put an end to the conflict"

Moral of this story:

Today, Umueri is at a cross road. The quantum of Clannish suspicion, Thuggery, Rascality and insecurity we are witnessing today is unprecedented. Yet, many of us are keeping quiet, playing politics and  wiping clannish sentiment with it and watching from our 'safe' abode, because we don't want to speak the truth and hurt certain interests, as long as we are not directly affected.
But soon, the brewing imbroglio will berth at our doorsteps and may consume us with our relatives and properties.

Then, just when it's too late, we would be bitting our fingers in regret (if we still have fingers to bite then), in reminiscence of how we would have spoken up when we had the chance to so do!

Comrade Kachi Nzedigwe (Omekannia)


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