Re:Broken Bottles Will Shred Your Butt

Re: Broken bottles…will shred you butt...

I keep hearing these clamorous voices that seem to suggest that the only way to participate constructively in the democratic process is to take a pedestal in the public space and trumpet out loudly in support of one party or the other, without paying much regard, attention or consideration to the real issues and concerns that will take us to the desired goals. What I actually hear is an unrelenting and orchestrated attempt by euphoric followers at prematurely drowning out a lot of the real debates which should be ongoing, ironic that many intellectuals have fallen into this trap. Where is the role of the unbiased commentator who, even though s/he has a personal position, puts that aside in the interest of debating and teasing out the salient issues that will further guide us on the path to true and lasting progress. If we should all line up and throw stones at each other in the open marketplace of FOR and AGAINST, where is the reasoned, objective and unbiased voice that will continue to question all sides and focus minds on the common goal? All players are equally vital to the Umueri project, as long as they are actively engaging in the debate, and their voice (or silence) is allowed to be heard. Are you advocating that the third force should also follow down the one-sided FOX News journalism/commentary-style of engagement? You have often called for all to focus on February 14th, while impatiently dismissing the significance of February 15th. I put this logic down to the same short-terms, quick-fix reasoning that characterized the last five months of Pius Okonkwo in power, despite all the man's obvious shortcomings that should have been obvious to any questioning mind to see at the time, simply because many wanted to satisfy their rash, biased and unsound judgement in 2019. We do not run even a small business in this way, why should we think a community can be run in this way? I concede to you, that you may have been in the vanguard of making many critiques of the major political players for many years, but it is not therefore any of our prerogatives to arrogate to ourselves the power to call time on these criticisms, especially at this crucial time. Let those that must take time to think, think and keep on asking their questions until they are satisfied, because they just might be the ones to provide the answers tomorrow when the euphoric revellers are knocked out cold in the stupor of failed hopes. Eternal vigilance, after all, is the price of accountability.


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