
Showing posts from 2024

Men And Sex

 WHY MEN LOVE SEX SO MUCH Women find it hard to understand why men love sex so much. They want to help you, they want sex immediately after anything. They say they love you, they want sex. You mistakenly sleep over, they want sex, they want to borrow you some money. They want to give you a job, they want sex. First of all, You need to understand the system of men. Men are naturally created that way. Do you know that 95% of healthy men wake up with an Erection? Do you know that the penis has a mind of his own different from the carrier? A man can be sleeping, once you start rubbing the penis, it stands even when the man is asleep. Have you asked yourself why men are never on any periods Cramps or bad moods. That is how God created Men. A man is naturally always ready for sex. Rub a man on his head, he already thinks you want sex, wink at him, he's already seeing you naked, wave at a man walking with his wife, he will lose focus. That's why churches don't allow ladies with sh

Queen Cleopatra

 📌 Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt.  Cleopatra was a remarkable figure in ancient Egypt, known for her strategic abilities and political acumen.  She was born in 69 BC and ruled Egypt alongside her father and later her brothers before eventually becoming the sole ruler.  Cleopatra was highly educated, fluent in multiple languages, and known for her charm and wit. One of the most famous aspects of Cleopatra's life was her relationships with two Roman leaders, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.  These relationships were not only romantic but also politically significant, as they helped Cleopatra maintain her power and influence in the region.  Cleopatra's involvement with these Roman leaders played a crucial role in the political landscape of the time. Despite her efforts to align with powerful figures, Cleopatra's reign faced challenges, particularly with the rise of Octavian (later Emperor Augustus) in Rome.  The Battle of Actium in 31 BC marked the end of Cleopatra's allianc

The word oriaku in Igbo

 The word "oriakụ" originally didn't mean "Mrs". The title "Mrs" had no place in Igbo culture which is represented by language. Oriakụ was a name for both men and women in the past. How do I mean? In 1977, a book was published in Igbo Language by A. I.  Akọma, an Ngwa man. It's a drama text entitled "Obidiya". The man who killed Ọnụma— Obidiya's husband over a land dispute that ruled in the favour of Ọnụma was Oriakụ by name.. Obidiya sworn to avenge her husband's death.  I have read couple of literatures in Igbo backdated 60s and 70s, I realised that some names were unisex. Take for instance "Ụzọma". In the present-day Abịa and Imo, in some parts; Ụzọma is a masculine name. Then come to Ebọnyị State like in Ọhaọzara presently, Ụzọma is a feminine name. I used to think that Professor Inno Ụzọma Nwadike was a woman, not until I first spoke with him on phone 9 years ago. In some parts of ala Igbo, man and woman can be Ụzọm

Julius Caesar

 "Julius Caesar Greatest Weakness" Caesar, was a bit too confident in his own charm and influence. This guy managed to climb to the top of the Roman power ladder, securing the title of dictator for life, which, rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. But Caesar, in his infinite optimism, thought he could handle all the haters. He believed his political savvy and public support made him somewhat untouchable. Well, it didn’t. One story that highlights this is his relationship with Brutus. Now, Brutus wasn't just some random guy; he was believed to be Caesar's illegitimate son by some (though this is debated). Caesar trusted him deeply, and despite multiple warnings that Brutus was getting cozy with the conspirators, Caesar waved it off. He couldn’t fathom that Brutus would turn against him. Famously, he even dismissed his bodyguard on the Ides of March, showing a level of confidence (or was it arrogance?) that would soon prove fatal. When the knives came out, literally, i

San Tribe

 SAN TRIBE. "The Bushmen of the Kalahari: Exploring the Rich History of the San Tribe" In the heart of Southern Africa lies a vast expanse of desert known as the Kalahari, where the San people, also known as Bushmen, have lived for thousands of years. These hunter-gatherers are one of the oldest and most resilient cultures on Earth, with a rich history and way of life that have captivated anthropologists and travelers alike.  The San are a nomadic people, traditionally living in small family groups and moving with the seasons in search of food and water. Their hunting techniques are renowned for their efficiency and ingenuity, relying on bows and arrows, as well as their intimate knowledge of the desert's flora and fauna. The San are also known for their unique rock art, which can be found throughout the Kalahari and is often considered one of the oldest forms of human artistic expression. Their paintings depict wildlife, daily life, and spiritual beliefs, providing a rar


  SLAVERY OF MEN BY WOMEN Every Man irrespective of who they are must read the book by a German writer Esther Villar In her book "The Manipulated Man"  This book has caused outrage and hostile criticism from women, it explains how women since the earliest times have manipulated men and turned them into their slaves, they have *pretended* to be the oppressed sex while in the real sense they are the oppressors.  She explains how a woman manipulates a man skillfully by steps like courtship and finally marriage, hence the saying “ a man chases a woman until SHE catches him” . In her book she explains how the man is tricked to care for the woman all his life  and her offspring.  He rolls the stone like Sisyphus and in turn gets rewarded by a few minutes of sexual pleasure.  We can, by observing Esther Villars assertions that a man is a slave of his desires and the woman uses and has used it for thousands of years as a stick and carrot to keep the man chasing vanity and commit his

Ndi Igbo And Their Language

 Igbo is the language spoken in Ala Igbo or Ani Igbo (Igboland) by the people who are collectively referred to as "Ndi Igbo"; their community is known as "Olu na Igbo" ("those in the lowlands and uplands").  Before European colonialism, the Igbo-speaking peoples, who shared similarities in culture, lived in localized communities and were not unified under a single cultural identity or political framework, although unifying processes were present via expansion, ritual subordination, intermarriage, trade, cultural exchange, migration, war, and conquest.  Villages and village groups were generally identified by distinct names of their ancestral founders or by specific names such as Umueri, Nri, Ogidi, Nnobi, Orlu, Ngwa, Ezza, and Ohaffia. There are several theories concerning the etymology of the word "Igbo" (wrongly spelled "Ibo" by British colonialists). Eighteenth-century texts had the word as "Heebo" or "Eboe," whic

Wembley Terror For Ali

 At Wembley stadium, on 18 June 1963, Cooper landed Ali, then known as Cassius Clay, on his pants with a punch that made boxing history – a left hook travelling five and a half inches at 30mph with 60 times the force of gravity, striking the side of the American's jaw. The world came to know it as 'Enry's 'Ammer, and it felled Ali as never before. However, in front of 55,000 people, Ali was "saved by the bell" amid unique controversy. Subsequently, a myth took hold that Dundee had slit open Clay’s glove to prolong the intermission while a replacement was found.  Folklore has it that Clay was given two more than the scheduled one minute to recover. In fact, while the referee did indeed inspect a small tear in the glove, no replacement was brought and video-tape of the fight reveals that only six seconds were added to the interval, albeit half a dozen precious heart-beats for Clay. Nevertheless, such was the outcry, that a stipulation requiring a spare pair of g

Illusion of confused mindset

 Did you know? Prior to 1990, no historical document or Anthropological report ever traced or linked the Ohafia and Enugu-Ezike people to Benin. No oral traditions ever linked them. However, recently, inferiority complex intensified among some of the peoples and so they distorted their history and glorified a historical illusion of being from Benin, a society they were probably older than. The same inferiority complex is plaguing many Igbo communities in Anambra and Enugu States who distort their history to claim origins to elsewhere, apart from Igbo land. Let's be proud of who we are and stop this abracadabra of distorting our history and heritage The historical Inferiority is not just plaguing Igbo groups outside the South-East...

Obi Of Agbor

 One of the youngest Kings in the world up till today. Dein of Agbor, Delta State Obi Benjamin Keagboruzi 1. He was documented in Guinness Book of World Records in 1980 to be the world youngest monarch. He was crowned at the age of 22, months (2 years) in 1979 after the unexpected death of his father same year. After his coronation he was relocated to overseas for security reasons and to study. Upon his relocation to abroad, a Regent was appointed to rule in his place until he came back in 2001 to take over as the paramount ruler of Agbor people at an advance age.

African History

  AFRICAN HISTORY..  The Greeks visited Egypt (kemet) as students to learn about Africàns. Plato stùdied in Egypt for 13 years Pythagoras studied philosophy, geometry and medicine in Egypt for 22 years. Thales, the first Greek philosopher studied in Egypt for 7 years. Hypocrates, who is called father of medicine, recognized the Egyptian multi genius, Imhotep as the father of medicine. The "Pythagorean Theorem" used to build pyramids in Egypt 1000 years before Pythagòrean was bòrn. Plato said Egyptian èducation makes students more alèrt and humane. Plato tòld his students to go to Egypt if they wànted to study the minds of great philosophers. Heredotus, the Greek historian dèscribed ancient Egypt as the cràdle of civilizàtion. 0ur ancestors opened the doors of our Nation to f0reign peoples, these guests were welcomed with respect and honor according to our traditions but they used our kindnèss to destr0y our Nation. They came and stole all the books and translated them into th

Ides Of March

 The Ides of March Julius Caesar is an outstanding tragedy  written by William Shakespeare. The very play revolves around the events leading up to and following the assassination of Julius Caesar, the Roman dictator. The story is set in ancient Rome and focuses on the rise of Caesar's power and the conspiracy against him. At the beginning of the play, Caesar returns victorious from a war and is celebrated by the people. However, there are growing concerns among some Roman senators, namely Cassius and Brutus, about Caesar's increasing ambition and his potential to become a tyrant. Cassius convinces Brutus to join a conspiracy to assassinate Caesar, fearing that he would abuse his power and bring harm to the Roman Republic. On the Ides of March, the conspirators carry out their plan and stab Caesar to death in the Senate. After his assassination, Rome is thrown into chaos and political unrest. Mark Antony, Caesar's loyal friend, delivers a funeral speech that stirs the crowd

Iju ese

 'Iju ese' . One of the most important cultures of the Igbo people before marrying into a family is 'Iju ese'.  Iju ese translates to making enquiries or a background checkup about where one is getting married to.  Iju ese is often carried out by both members of the intending couple.  These members( two or more persons) travels to the village of their intending son or daughter-in-law.  They meet random people and ask about the family where their intending in law hails from.  The following are examples of questions they ask;   1.  Whether the family has a streak of m.adness.   2.  Whether they have a pattern of de. ath ( like premature de.ath)  3.  Whether stea.ling is in their blood  4.  The caste system they belongs to;  whether Nwadiala, Osu, Ume or Ohu.   5.  Whether they have a particular sickness in their lineage.   6.  How they care for their spouse.  Whatever information they get, they take it to the umunna who weighs it to know if they will take them as inlaws. 

Who is a woman

 To my sister's in the house! Who is a woman? Having vagina, boobs, and hips doesn't make you a woman. A woman is the one who feeds a man with encouragement and ideas  A woman is the one who helps a man to save and invest wisely . A woman does not run her mouth with sarcasm and insult just to prove a point, rather her words are gracious and can heal a broken heart . A woman is the one that knows when to talk and to keep Quiet. A woman is the one that doesn't leak secret.  A woman is the one that is content with what she has, and not the one that sells her self for material things. A woman is a manager, a caretaker,a womb that can nature and birth destinies . A woman doesn't do trending things, but she is reserved and has a taste of a Queen. A woman doesn't look down on any man because of his present state of life and financial status, rather she encourages any man to get better. A woman is the one that does not just bears babies, but bear ideas and inspiration anyti

Mrs Purity Nwofia Nwashienyi

 Umueri 🇳🇬 | Mrs Purity Nwofia Nwashienyi was the first Nwanyi Onye Umueri to produce a Pop paint and screeding putty  in 2012. Her product are fine and excellent, an indigenous locally made product, ever since 2012 till date she's been a season builder. She studied history and international relations at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. She deserves some respect for putting Umueri 🇳🇬 on the map. Her firm Candore impiego is into production of screeding putty, architectural drawings, building finishing (pop, painting, screeding, rails etc), landscaping, project managers, valuer's and estimators etc.  Let's help patronize her as true Amazon of the land Credit... Https://

Mum and Daughter gruesome murder by kidnappers

 This is Christiana Igba and her Mom Christiana waited for 10 years with her husband looking for the fruit of the womb before God blessed them with one in December of 2023. Her elated mom then went for omugwo in Abuja. However two weeks back kidnappers entered the home of Mr and Mrs Igba, kidnapped Christiana, her Mom and the baby while asking Mr Simon Igba, the husband for a N 90 million ransom which he couldn't afford.  After bargaining with the kidnappers last week Wednesday the ransom was reduced to N 10 million. While looking for the N 10 million, the baby fell sick at the kidnappers den, they gave the baby to another victim who was released to take to the hospital and contacted Simon Igba to get in touch with the woman which he did and got the baby out of the hospital.  Unfortunately the kidnappers have killed his wife, Christiana and her mother dumping their bodies in the bush.  Our reality now as Nigerians under the situation is appalling. https: //umuerilandtoday.blogspot.

spraying naira note

  Court Jails Actress Six Months for Spraying, Stepping on New Naira Notes Justice Chukwujekwu Aneke of the Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos, on  Thursday, February 1, 2024, convicted and sentenced one Oluwadarasimi  Omoseyin, an actress, to six months imprisonment for spraying and stepping on the new Naira notes at a social event in Lagos. She was first arraigned on February 13, 2023, by the Lagos Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on two-count charges, to which she pleaded “not guilty”. She was subsequently granted bail on February 15, 2023. One of the court reads: “That you, Oluwadarasimi Omoseyin, on the 28th day  of January 2023, at Monarch Event Centre, Lekki, Lagos, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, whilst dancing during a social occasion tampered with the sum of N100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand  Naira) issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria by spraying same in the  said occasion and you thereby committed an offence


 CBN DEPARTMENTS MOVING TO LAGOS Out of the 29 Departments in CBN,  5 will be moved to Lagos: 1 Banking supervision 2 Other financial institutions supervision 3 Consumer protection department 4 Payment system management department 5 Financial policy regulations department