The Original Obuga
THE MUCH HYPE OBUGAD IS NOTHING BUT A FALLACY AS WE HAVE HERE OBUGA AND THE FESTIVAL IT IS KNOWN FOR THE ARO FESTIVAL IN UMUERI The Aro festival also called the "Igu aro" is one of the most colorful and celebrated festival in Umueri . The Festival has a prime position in the life of the people due to economical importance attached to it . Because the Oracular and Prophetic utterance of the Priest depicts what would happened in a given year. This include the oracular utterances of the priest in regards on what to expect during the harvest season: Whether there will be "Ugani" (famine), Nsogbu (problem), Ogu (war), onwu (death) etc. it was a sort of annual prophecy or prediction on what would happen in the coming season. If the prophecy turns out to have positive effect, the people tend to work tiredlessly hard so as to reap the fruit of hard labour. But on contrary, they tend to be cautious during the planting season starting with the first moon of the new seas...